The History of Drama


Emily Saarloos, Staff Writer

The form of entertainment one indulges in shapes them as a whole. The variety of entertainment reflects on the variety of people we encounter on a day to day basis. From Shakespeare to John Logan, society has been molded by the great works of many playwrights. Drama is implemented into our schools, our movies with subtle references, and Hughson High even has a club for drama. 

In English classrooms Shakespeare is a regular topic and so are other plays such as ones by Tenisee Williams. These play’s teach people life lessons in a subtle but impactful way. The play Trifles is taught to shatter improper social standards which is important for a young generation to learn. 

Movies sometimes have references to play’s and for a person to correctly interpret the meaning of these references they need to know the play. Also many popular movie series have spin offs that are plays such as Harry Potter which has a spin off called Harry Potter And The Cursed Child. Hamilton, a very popular movie, is actually based on a play. 

Hughson High has a thriving drama department. Many people volunteer to create the sets for plays such as the Wizard Of Oz and Newsies. According to Alesandra Walker the best part of drama is, “How easy it is to make friends and how it helps with public speaking.” The tasks drama students are required to partake in include, “doing group scenes and getting along with everyone you work with, also staging scenes from a variety of plays” according to Sarah Rick. Hughson students speak highly of the drama department and how much it helps them with social skills and overall comprehension of drama.