Mental Health: Anxiety


Yasmin Duran Ortiz, Staff Writer

Anxiety is what we all feel when we are worried, tense or afraid. According to, “Anxiety is a natural human response when we feel that we are under threat. It can be experienced through our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations.” 

Anxiety is mostly common when coping with stressful changes or events that may have a big impact in your life. According to the article, “Anxiety can become a mental health problem if it impacts your ability to live your life as fully as you want to”. 

Anxiety may become a problem if your fears or worries are out of proportion to the situation, you avoid situations that might cause you to feel anxious, etc. The symptoms of anxiety can interfere with daily activities such as schoolwork, job performances, and relationships. The cause of anxiety is unknown but genetics, stress, your environment and biology may play a role in it. According to, “To diagnose anxiety disorders, your health care provider will ask about your symptoms and medical history. You may also have a physical exam and lab tests to make sure that a different health problem is not the cause of your symptoms.” Some of the treatments for anxiety could be cognitive behavioral therapy and medicines. According to, “There are several types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, specific phobias, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder.” 

Anxiety disorders can cause people to try and avoid situations that trigger or worsen their symptoms. You should go see a doctor if you see it getting worse.