Husky in the Hot Seat: Yessenia Ruiz


Yasmin Duran Ortiz, Staff Writer

Yasmin: “How do you feel about your freshman year coming to an end?”

Yessenia: “Happy, after a long, stressful year.”

Yasmin: “What was the best part of this school year for you?”

Yessenia: “Hanging out with my friends.”

Yasmin: “Are you planning on staying in HHS to graduate here?”

Yessenia: “Yes, I am.”

Yasmin: “What is something that has happened in your life that brought you to the realization of what life is really about?”

Yessenia: “Having my quince. I had been dreaming about it & planning it since I was little so it would be perfect. I had it this past December and it was exactly how I had envisioned it.”

Yasmin: “What is one piece of advice that you have for the other students?”

Yessenia: “Do your homework to avoid falling behind in schoolwork.”