HHS Annual Freshman Conference 2022


Xavier Pabon, Senior Editor

On the past 4th of February, the Life of a Husky class hosted their annual freshman conference, a day where freshmen learn the core of not only being healthy, but living a lifestyle that teaches them to balance school, life, and even family, as well as the body. Many students have gone through freshman conferences, and carried some of those experiences with them all throughout their high school career and even home life.  

The day of freshman conference split up the entirety of the freshman class into different classes, each class having a different schedule, the schedules showing different workshops in different classrooms and places all around campus for the freshman to follow. Each class follows a 30 Minute timer much like the actual classes normal students follow on the normal day schedule. The offered workshops include the likes of Survival guide to high school, Women’s Empowerment, Self Confidence, Team Building with Navy Seals, and debriefing with a team.
The Freshman conference dates back to 6 years ago and has all been diverse from the last. Out of all 6 years, however, the year of 2020-2021 due to covid regulations and guidelines the conference had to be held virtually, resulting in a more, less-effective online conference. The silver lining of that is this year, and the years before the 2021 year have all been very engaging in getting students to have fun and perform at their Optimal levels.

The last year has been hard on the LOH crew, due to having to hold it virtually, so they had to plan the Conference carefully this year to ensure that everything remains within the covid-19 guidelines, making sure everyone is safe. According to Mrs. Brazil, there were many back up plans in the case of the conference not really working out. The LOH class wasn’t even sure if they would be able to hold the conference in person, although it turned out for the better, and they pulled the most successful freshman conference since the 2020 school year!
The seniors this year who previously attended freshman conference have still retained the skills they learned, as said senior Robin Seifken:
“The freshman conference that I had attended was really informative because it opened up a lot more doors to high school than I was seeing during the actual year. It showed me a lot of things that you can pursue while in high school in beyond, and also motivated me to become more involved. Overall, it was a really great experience and I hope it’s affected other people in the same way.”
The freshman conference, in conclusion, was an event like no other in the district, an event to help the freshman learn the true high school experience, the students remembering and carrying on what they learn from the workshops, begrudgingly or not, into their future education career, and even their future lives.